Monday, March 20, 2017

Dead Seekers by Barb and J.C. Hendee

The Dead Seekers
Mari has been on the hunt for the man who killed her entire family for years to get her vengeance, and finally received a solid lead to the “Dead’s Man.” But when she finally encounters him, he is not what she was expecting of the cold blooded murder. Rather, it is Mari herself who keeps saving his life while he helps save others at expense to his own well-being.

The idea of this story is fresh and original bringing a new spin on some of the popular fantasy aspects fantasy lovers are always on the lookout for: magic, shape-shifters, and ghosts. The story line is also quite interesting. The characters take most of the book to develop, so they are not why readers will want to continue reading but rather the new fantasy aspects to see how it will play out. Hopefully, the next book in the series will delve more in depth with the characters now that they’re built up.  

Sunday, March 5, 2017

You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott

You Will Know Me
Devon Knox was born to do gymnastics—literally. In the womb, she kicked her mother, Katie, hard enough to break a rib. As a toddler, she possessed a quiet focus and a physical ability beyond her years. When teenage Devon’s gymnastics coach asks her parents how far they will go to nurture her potential—her Olympic potential—they are willing to do anything. The Knox family devotes themselves wholeheartedly to Devon’s career, spending long hours at the gym, traveling relentlessly to meets, and spending money they don’t have on coaching and equipment. When the boyfriend of one of Devon’s coaches is killed in a hit-and-run and the coach begins making bizarre threats against Devon, Katie starts looking into the young man’s death herself. With each step closer to the truth, Katie becomes less and less certain about the one thing she thought she knew best—her family.

Megan Abbott is particularly gifted at crafting characters, making even the most minor character in You Will Know Me come to life. Her writing is taut and suspenseful, and will keep readers guessing right up to the last page. Abbott also does a masterful job of bringing the claustrophobic world of competitive gymnastics to readers who don’t know a vault from a salto.