In a future world where robots provide humans companionship and labor (think the Jetsons' robot maid Rosie built to be indistinguishable from a real human), Alex receives a robot, Ada, as a gift from his grandmother. Alex is unhappy that Ada cannot think or make many decisions for herself. For a time, robots were made with a conscious mind until there was a robot rebellion with many human casualties. From then on, robots were reprogrammed to obey commands. The story continues with Alex finding a way to make Ada sentient, even though the process is illegal and has dire consequences if either Alex or Ada is found out. The flow of the book is seamless, and by the end, after Ada experiences her first sunrise with a fully functioning mind, readers will want to know what happens to Alex and Ada next.
I certainly can't wait for the next volume. This is a fantastic new science fiction series that is well-written and beautifully illustrated.
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