Set during the turbulent 1850s in colonial India, this book recounts the tales of Sita, a fighter for the Queen of Jhansi. Sita comes from a poor family with no sons and no dowry fortune for the two daughters. Rather than being relegated to prostitution at a local temple, Sita's father and neighbor train her to become a fierce and intelligent warrior in the hopes that she will be selected to join the Queen's all female guard and earn money for her younger sister's dowry. Once enlisted as a member of this elite group, Sita learns the precarious position her queen balances, retaining control of Jhansi while meeting the demands of the British occupying forces.
Suspenseful and fast-paced throughout, Rebel Queen is a unique view from a strong female character into Indian politics and culture during the British East India Trading Company encroachment and the subsequent 1857 rebellion. Thrilling to the core, Rebel Queen is not just for historical fiction fans, but will satisfy readers of action and adventure tales, exotic locations, and romances.
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