This light historical novel tells the traveling adventures of Biddy Leigh, who in 1772 is happy in her position as an undercook at a large British estate and is about to marry her beau. Unfortunately, Biddy and a few other servants are recruited by the newly wedded Lady Carinna to travel with her to her uncle's villa in Italy after a spat with her husband. Considering the lengthy trip, their party pauses in France to rest, and Biddy begins to experience and appreciate the wonders of fine cuisine, documenting and adding recipes to The Cook's Jewel, a household book of recipes. Throughout the trip, Lady Carinna confides more and more secrets with Biddy, who looks remarkably like the Lady herself. Eventually, Biddy is obligated to comply with Lady Carinna's desperate machinations but is unaware of the great danger she will face as a result of her complicity.
Each chapter begins with a recipe out of The Cook's Jewel that directly relates to Biddy's cooking in the chapter to come. The ending is rather predictable if one pays attention to the generous hints along the way, but readers who enjoy historical tales or novels about food will find much to like in An Appetite for Violets. Bon appétit!
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