In this science fiction novel from the author of the Twilight series, parasitic extraterrestrials invade and overtake the bodies and minds of most of the human population. The story is narrated by an alien ‘soul’ named Wanderer. Wanderer is placed in the body of Melanie, who has managed to evade capture for several years. Most souls have no trouble possessing a host, but Melanie is strong. She resists Wanderer, fighting with her only weapons, her own thoughts and memories. Melanie’s presence eventually evokes an empathetic response from Wanderer, who begins to view humans as more compassionate creatures than the barbaric animals she thought them to be. When Wanderer/Melanie joins a pocket of resistors that includes Melanie’s brother and the man she loves, both the alien and the humans find they have much to learn about trust and love and ‘humanity.’ The understanding they finally come to may be the only thing that can provide hope for them all.
Though there is romance in this story, it is less melodramatic than the Twilight books are. It combines the action and suspense of an apocalyptic novel with an unique look at human emotions from an alien perspective.
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