Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel
As a young girl, Rose Franklin stumbled upon the remnants of a gigantic metal hand. It was the first of many scattered pieces of a colossal robot, all thousands of years old, to be discovered across the globe. Seventeen years later, the mystery remains unsolved, yet Rose, now a highly trained physicist, is leading the top secret team to find the missing pieces and crack the code. The story unfolds as she and her colleagues are interviewed by a nameless interrogator, who is just as mysterious as the robot.
Told in a series of interviews, journal entries, and reports, Sleeping Giants is impossible to put down once you begin. Luckily, there's a sequel, Waking Gods, out now, and a third book is expected to come out in the spring. Fans of realistic near-future sci-fi like The Martian or World War Z will love this. Highly recommended on audio, which is a full-cast production.
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