Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos by Lucy Knisley
Kid Gloves is a memoir about Lucy Knisley’s journey from just before pregnancy to just after. She highlights some tough and personal issues she personally went through trying to conceive "Pal," the nickname she gives her son in the comic, as well as the awful medical emergency she endured at the end of her pregnancy/birth of her son. In between her chapters, marked by what trimesters she was entering, she offered up amazing facts and history about contraception, conception, pregnancy, births, babies, mothers, etc.
This was such a well put together memoir of Knisley's experience. The way she separated her experience by trimester was such a cute and original idea, and adding the facts and interesting history in between really brought the reading experience together in a fun and delightful way. The entire book was emotional, especially the ending. Overall it was a fantastic comic and memoir, and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.
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