The Snagglepuss Chronicles is bizarre in all the best ways. It takes itself very seriously, which makes the fact that it portrays Hannah-Barbara classics such as Huckleberry Hound, Quickdraw McGraw, and the eponymous Snagglepuss as closeted gay men during a very turbulent time in American history all the better. No one would expect these characters to be anything more than two-dimensional, like their original selves, but these are men with deep flaws, sincere personalities, and honest relationships... and it somehow works. It provides a wonderful look at the duplicity of people in positions of power, and how that power can corrupt and make you blind to doing what’s right. In many ways, Snagglepuss is very reminiscent of the 2015 film Trumbo, except replace Communism with homosexuality.
With its new and interesting take on some classic characters, The Snagglepuss Chronicles is delightfully strange, and strangely heartfelt.
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